
Please read about ongoing projects Transition Amherst attempts to make our community more resilient with.

All Things Local Coop Amherst qualifies as a ‘food desert area’, a place, where healthy, affordable food is difficult to obtain. We are intending to change that, and we have powerful allies in this project. Read more about it here →.

Building Community With Bicycles The bicycle is not only the most efficient tool to get around on, but it is also very good for hauling things, sight-seeing, exercise, running errands, meeting interesting people, saving money, etc. It also can be fixed and maintained by regular people with uncomplicated tools and general parts. To bring this last fact back to my community, I set up a Neighborhood Bicycle Resource Center. Read more about this here →.

Board Game: Growing Resilient/Growing Resilience We have been discussing how to make the process of transition more fun/less fear. We guessed inserting the process into a game environment may make it more fun, while more information reduces fear. See more about this cooperative board game here →.

Building Bamboo Bicycle Trailers Bicycles are good for hauling things, especially if they are built for it. But most of them aren’t, and they may be labor intensive to convert or expensive to purchase anew. This is where the trailers, attachable to bicycles come in. They may be built mostly from local materials and can carry unwieldy things, that can be challenging to put on most bikes. We set out to explore just how easy or difficult it is to put together some of these trailers. Read more about our efforts here →.

Greenhouse Raising It used to be, that neighbors got together for bigger projects (we might have expressions in our language about those events, like ‘Barn Raising’. Transition Amherst and our neighboring Transition Pelham decided to do just that. See more here →.

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