Drawing Bikes

To keep you up with news about what’s happening in the world of cargo bikes: a new cargo bike joined that scenery just this week: the Yuba Boda-Boda. And it wasn’t just a stealth process, we knew it was coming, because Yuba announced a contest a few weeks ago: Draw a bicycle what you think the Boda-Boda will look like, and if you guessed it the best, you win one of them at no charge (except shipping).

My goal is to make cargo bicycling accessible and known to our area, so what better opportunity is there, than to visualize a cargo bike, represent it on paper, and maybe turn it into reality.

So two of us got together and in spite of our novice level in drawing anything, we set out to draw, of all things, bicycles. Maybe you want to see some of our attempts here.

Now these drawings come from no more information than having seen and ridden Yuba’s current bike, the Mundo, and knowing, that they already are in the long-tail business, aiming to sell bicycles that carry cargo. Other than that, it has to be somewhat different, because why would a company come out with something exactly the same again, and maybe lighter, as the Mundo already has the strength to carry an insane amount, and is one of the heavier bikes in the long-tail world.

So what do you think about our attempts?

And the good part is, that just yesterday Yuba announced the winner. Here is Lindsay’s very skilled and creative drawing with which she earned a bike for herself (And below that, some other pictures of the Boda-boda and one of the Mundo for comparison):


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