
The following links are to sites that stand for similar goals.

Links related to the Transition Movement

Transition US
Transition US is a nonprofit organization that provides inspiration, encouragement, support, networking, and training for Transition Initiatives across the United States. We are working in close partnership with the Transition Network, a UK based organization that supports the international Transition Movement as a whole.

Transition Network
Transition Network’s role is to inspire, encourage, connect, support and train communities as they self-organise around the transition model, creating initiatives that rebuild resilience and reduce CO2 emissions.

Transition Companion
An entertaining and educational book on the transition movement, that introduces the concept and the necessary tools to create community. Link to the Transition Companion:

Transition Northfield, a nearby town
Our Vision (goal): We envision a vibrant, resilient, and socially equitable community committed to respect and care for each other and our natural world that is prepared to meet our basic needs by relocalizing our sources of food, energy, and health care in the face of oil depletion, climate change, and economic instability.
Our Mission (how we will get there): In the spirit of collaboration we will use Transition tools and our community’s diverse wisdom to create an energy descent plan and move us from our current non-renewable ways of meeting our basic needs to a sustainable, localized culture.

Transition Putney (Vermont)
Transition Putney engages the creativity, expertise and skill-sets of our friends and neighbors in the design of a sustainable, resilient, socially just and mutually supportive community. We collaborate to embrace the extraordinary challenge and opportunity of climate change, peak oil and economic instability. Together we reinvent, rethink, rebuild and celebrate our community and the world around us.

What’s happening in DC?
Ecolocity exists to empower residents and groups in the Metro DC area to build environmentally, economically, and socially sustainable communities. To meet this urgent need, the group provides a hub for networking, connects people to local resources, creates cohesion from existing projects, and meets needs that are not yet met elsewhere.

Crystal Palace Transition Town
VISION: To move Crystal Palace and its community towards a sustainable future, resilient to the challenges posed by climate change and peak oil.
CPTT is a community-led, not-for-profit initiative that will:

  • raise awareness of the local and global effects of climate change, peak oil and the impact of human activities on the environment.
  • look for and communicate the positive opportunities that come from the challenges of climate change and peak oil, and create an atmosphere of fun, enjoyment and community.
  • create, build and sustain awareness of the Transition Town movement in all areas of the local community, sharing our vision and bringing together passionate people to work with us towards achieving it.
  • create and deliver sustainable programmes of activity involving the local community around issues including food, energy, skills, transport, education and waste.
  • build and sustain a productive network of contacts and relationships with supportive and like-minded organisations and individuals, including the Transition Town network of which it is a part.
  • promote Fairtrade as consistent with our principles of fairness and equality during the period of transition to self-reliance.

Links to other community-creating movements is building a global grassroots movement to solve the climate crisis. Our online campaigns, grassroots organizing, and mass public actions are led from the bottom up by thousands of volunteer organizers in over 188 countries.

Troy Bike Rescue (New York)
A movement close to my heart. The Troy Bike Rescue is a collective of cycling enthusiasts committed to removing bikes from the waste stream and getting them back on the streets. They operate a volunteer-run community bike space where by organizing DiY bike repair nights, Open Shop hands-on bicycle education, sliding scale bicycle adoption, and mobile workshops.

Kendrick Park Farmers’ Market (Amherst)

Farm Fresh Produce, Prepared food vendors, Relax with friends and family on the green with live music. See the flyer: Kendrick park Wednesday farmers market flyer.

Kestrel Land Trust

The Kestrel Land Trust works with landowners, governmental agencies, citizen groups, and other organizations to protect land, including farmland, woodlands, wildlands, wildlife habitat, water resources, historic landscapes, rare and endangered species habitat, and scenic vistas in the heart of the Connecticut River Valley of western Massachusetts.

Links to essential information

Lowtech Magazine
Low-tech Magazine refuses to assume that every problem has a high-tech solution. A simple, sensible, but nevertheless controversial message; high-tech has become the idol of our society.
Also look at their sister publication, No-Tech Magazine.

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