Bike Building Project: the Team

A few weeks ago in a previous post I have described some of my planning efforts for building a bike here.

When I got into building cargo bicycles I set up a rig to be able to build long wheelbase bikes with good alignment, and immediately tested it with building the Front-Loader. And a few months ago I figured out, that a friend of mine, who welds a lot, wants to build a cargo bicycle. We right away made plans of helping each other out with various bike-building projects.

Looking forward to that I cleaned up the Neighborhood Bicycle Resource Center a tad, until I though it will be good to work with someone who actually knows how to weld, and didn’t get all his knowledge on it out of books, like I had. And past weekend this friend of mine came over to start on his cargo bike.

We cut up a BMX bike to use its headset, and welded a strong pipe onto the crank-set of an adult bike to serve as the connector piece between the front and rear end. We almost made it far enough in one day to have a ‘rolling frame’, meaning the front part and the real part welded into a single unit – I think the hardest part of the job, as it is the most important and most difficult to have proper alignment at that stage.

The plan is, that once we are done with this project, and if he still has time in between carrying heavy loads using the new cargo bike, we would start working on the Sylph-alike bike. Hopefully by the event of bicycle week both bikes will be ready.

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